Money eats time and space. Berlin has endless time and space. Time and space are luxuries. For crazy ideas, for transverse experiments, for urban subcultures, for the desires of the many black sheep living in this city there is no money. But black sheep also want money. A lot of it, preferably! They want, like all others, material success and fame. Swift! These ironic thoughts gave us the impulse and the theme to start this highly anarchistic film project. Without any subsidies, sponsorships or tv money we began production with our tiny private budgets. No money for a movie about ‘no money’ was the radical keyword. Every participant should only be part out of pure commitment to the project and enjoyment of it.

Our anarchistic fire sparked quickly and soon a group of gifted screenwriters, professional co-workers and famous actors joined in. All were hungry to make a movie, in which experiments, crazy ideas and going beyond limits was almost unlimitedly permitted. Three tight months later our courageous team jumped into Berlin’s urban deserts and dirty everyday jungles. Loaded with gallows humour and godly faith we fought our way through the production of five hair-raising urban fairy tales. Two months later all the footage was "in the box" and we soon realised that the unrestricted energy of our radical production methods can be felt on screen - and that our project will transform into a highly idiosyncratic  and incomparable German motion picture.

Oliver Rihs